Gas Grills, Gas Fireplaces and Accessories

Instant Cash Back on Wood Stoves and Inserts

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Were you cold when you lost your power during last weekend’s storm? Not anymore. When you have a wood burning stove or insert you do not need electricity to stay warm. And now, when you buy a wood stove you get instant cash back! You could save up to $700.

Hearthstone is offering an instant rebate up to $400 on Wood Stoves and fireplace inserts. Combine that with the federal tax credit of up to $300 and you could save $700. Stay warm through the next storm with a Hearthstone wood stove or fireplace insert.

Wood burning stoves and inserts are a beautiful addition to any home.  But when the power goes out, wood burning fires remove the stress, they keep you warm when there is no electricity and you can enjoy relaxing with your family in front of the soft light.  

There are residents in Sudbury, Lexington, and Concord who still have no electricity or who just got it back. Don’t be left in the cold, enjoy a wood stove or a wood burning fireplace insert, and enjoy it even more with instant cash back. Contact West Sport for more information on the Hearthstone Fall Sales Event.